About SA Events
South African Events. We arrange and promote South African events in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, United Kingdom and Europe. This include artists such as Barry Hilton, Juanita du Plessis, Emo Adams, Chris Chameleon, Dozi, Die Heuwels Fantasties, Laurika Rauch and more. SA Events also support community events that have a South African flavour.
South African Events reel optredes vir Suid Afrikaanse kunstenaars in Australië, New Zealand, Europa, Brittanje, UAE en Kanada. Kom kuier saam met ons in jou taal.
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“For me as an expat, South African music sets the rhythm that heals my soul.
It connects me, it restores me…and for that hour or two…I am home.”
Steven Phyffer